Raintown Dog Training

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Mouthing, Housetraining & Backyard Breeders

Tip 1: Puppy Mouthing

Puppy Mouthing? You're not alone! Invest in some solid chew-toys (a classic rubber Kong filled with kibble and peanut butter is our personal fave). When your puppy is using your hands/feet as munching tools, redirect it to its chew-toy consistently.

Chewing is a calming behaviour for dogs, so encouraging a healthy chew-toy habit saves your hands and your late-night puppy zoomie parties!

Need help training your pup? Talk to a professional and qualified trainer here.

Thought of the Week

Craigslist time! Whilst I have a few clients who have bought well-socialized, lovely dogs from Craigslist or Kijiji or some other online marketplace, I can't tell you how many behavioural issues I have dealt with when it comes to a dog bought from an unlicensed, uneducated, or ''backyard breeder''. The first 12 weeks of a puppy's life are crucial to its long-term development and associations with humans, other dogs, food, and so many other things. If a newborn puppy is not in the hands of a person that has educated themselves in raising dogs, it can have detrimental and life-long effects. Please be cautious about where you get your puppies. You'll thank us later!