Meet Your Trainers

Here to empower dog-parents with inspiration, skills and knowledge.

A grinning female dog trainer crouches next to a Brittany spaniel, who is relaxed and sitting for pets

Kris Hampton, BA, CTC, CPDT-KA

Founder & Principal Trainer


I’m Kris, and I’m so glad you’re here. Here’s a little about me and how I came to be a dog trainer…

I was the kid who sought out animals at every opportunity. You’d find me sitting with the neighbourhood stray, feeding the pregnant cat, chasing the turtle, or pleading with Dad to adopt a homeless puppy. Once, I sneaked an egg home from a local farm lunch table and put it in my drawer, convinced it would hatch…

Years later, I was so in need of the company of dogs that I sought out a dog-walking job alongside my day-job. I would walk up to 5 dogs at a time all around Kitsilano, for up to 30km a day. I began to train these dogs to walk on a loose leash (it made my job easier!), to fetch and return balls, and to sit at traffic lights.  This interest in training grew over the years and resulted in me becoming a double-certified dog trainer in our very own Rainy City.

My latest educational milestone has been to graduate with Honours from the Academy for Dog Trainers - the most prestigious certification available in our profession - as a Certified Trainer and Counsellor.

So, here I am. I sincerely believe that dogs have the capacity to bring us incredible joy, and vice-versa.  On my toughest days, pups have gotten me out of bed, outdoors, and have lent a non-judgmental ear to my (many) feelings. I have such a deep desire for every dog parent to see the depth of love and teachable moments a dog offers. I am fascinated by the dog’s brain and the language they speak, and it is my desire to help you communicate with your dog, so that you may grow in mutual respect and love. 

Welcome to Raintown Dog Training.

An Asian Woman smiles as her Dachshund perches on her shoulder

Bernadette Tow, Dip. CBST

Manager & Co-Trainer

Hi There! I’m Bern!

I didn’t grow up with dogs. As a kid, I remember begging my parents for a puppy. They ended up getting me a hamster, a fish, and a cat…and the local SPCA became my space to spend time with dogs. 

My passion to understand dogs better began when a miniature Dachshund, Hershey, entered my life. I was surprised by how much I didn’t know—and a lot of what I thought I knew about dogs were myths (can anyone relate?)! I sought to learn from evidence-based sources, and thus obtained my Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology. I am currently working towards my Certificate in Training and Counselling from the Academy for Dog Trainers. 

I firmly believe that as dog guardians, it is our responsibility to ensure our dogs feel safe, to meet their needs, to listen when they communicate and to respond with compassion, empathy and respect. This is why I choose to train using fear-free, force-free and positive reinforcement methods. 

Whether it’s through group classes, private sessions, or reels on Instagram, I want to help you build a stronger relationship with your dog through mutual understanding.

I can’t wait to meet you!

An Asian woman crouches beside her mixed breed pup.

Sara Kung, Dip. CBST, csap-bc


Hello peeps! I’m Sara :)

My love of animals began early on through the small critters (hamsters, guinea, pigs, rabbits, birds— you name it!), and through animal shelter volunteer work as a kid.

After graduating university and an unsuccessful job search, a little brown dog named Koda plopped into my life and sparked that long-lost childhood passion in me again; a fire that hasn’t stopped burning since.

I have worked as a canine hydrotherapist, a doggy daycare attendant, and my current position is manager of Petite Paws Playcare on weekdays and co-trainer at Raintown on weekends.

As well as having a Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology, I am a certified Separation Anxiety Behaviour Consultant with a passion for incorporating canine health— both mental and physical— into dogs' daily lives. This passion manifests itself in Tricks training and cooperative care in particular.

I believe the relationship we have with dogs is unique and symbiotic; they push our boundaries and teach us daily how little we actually know. I believe we owe it to our furry best friends to open ourselves up to new ways of understanding and conversing with them.

In my spare time, you will find me either studying, doing hot yoga, hiking, binge-watching Netflix with my partner or training with my dog and cat, Koda and Toby (but also binge watching Netflix with them).

Rhiannon, a young white woman, hugs her dog Clara, a Bernedoodle

Rhiannon van Lidth de Jeude Roemer, KPA-ctp


Hi, I’m Rhiannon (or Rhi)!
My journey to dog training has been a wild ride. I never considered a career with dogs until a couple of years ago when, through working with my own dog, I stumbled across Raintown. The fascinating world of dog behaviour and training immediately drew me in, feeding the love for dogs that I always had growing up. I launched myself full-force into dog training, and I haven't looked back since.

Working with Raintown has shown me how training can change a dog's life. At the surface, you may see dog training as teaching various behaviours and good manners, but when you dive into it, it becomes so much more than that. As a dog trainer, my mission is to help dogs feel safe, happy, and secure in their daily lives. There is nothing as rewarding for me as watching a shy puppy come out of her shell and begin to play, or watching an older dog learn for the first time that training can be fun.

I feel so lucky to have this job, and I can't wait to meet you and your pup!

Dana, co-trainer at Raintown, smiles with her senior dog

Dana trudeau


Hey! My name’s Dana.

I’ve always been crazy about animals. I wasn’t allowed a dog as a kid, so instead I asked for hamsters, lizards, rats: anything that had a pulse really. Nothing stuck, until one day, my parents finally let me get a little Yorkie named Cleo (happiest day of my life)! 

Whilst attending UBC for a Bachelors in Applied Animal Biology, I came across a dog daycare job (Petite Paws represent!), and applied for it immediately. When I got the job, little did I know how much my life was going to change. 

Through this new job, I met some amazing people in the dog industry, including the Raintown team. After my shifts, I would see Kris coming in to teach dog classes and we would chat. Seeing how beautiful and supportive the Raintown community is, as well as their love of dog training, made me realize that I wanted to be a part of it.   It re-sparked the passion I'd had for animals for years. After much thought and many conversations,  I ended up dropping out of university and enrolling in the Academy for Dog Trainers. I joined Raintown as an assistant trainer, and Kris and the team welcomed me with open arms.

Dogs have so much influence on our lives. My dog has impacted my life in ways I doubt she understands. My goal is to help dogs feel safe and happy, and to be able to help others enjoy happy and healthy lives with their furry friends. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing paw-rents and their pups succeeding throughout their training journeys. 

I am truly blessed to be able to work here, with this amazing team. I look forward to meeting you and your pup! :)

Empathy, patience, and understanding


“She was amazing, so friendly, understanding and patient with us and our dog. She was able to teach us ways to reduce his anxiety with people coming to the house, walks when we saw other dogs and most of all with the muzzle. She taught us about reading body language.

My husband and I worked on what she recommended to desensitize our dog to the muzzle but we were nervous to take the next step which was actually snapping the buckle. She could sense we were nervous, and never made us feel ashamed for this, instead she stepped up. It was when we saw her attempt it that we had the confidence to do it on our own. And we were successful.

It was such a moment of joy for my husband and I. We owe a huge thank you to Kris[…]for not turning us away!!! Their positive reinforcement based training, coupled with specializing based on the dogs and family needs were huge! Kris assessed our dog and came up with training based on his specific needs!'“

- Karen

puppy class with Kris and a husky puppy

Let’s work together on your dog training needs.


“Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole.“

– Roger Caras