Dog Walking Gear Essentials

By Rhiannon at Raintown Dog Training

With spring around the corner, pups and humans alike are eagerly anticipating longer walks, hikes, and outings. What gear can you prepare to make sure this year’s outdoor adventures go smoothly? Read on to learn about two dog walking must-haves!

Tip 1:

Using a harness as opposed to just a collar is a game-changer for dog walks. A well-fitted harness is secure, and will offer a much more comfortable experience for both you and your walking buddy. Pressure on the trachea (as is caused by collars) can be stressful for dogs, with potential for negative side-effects both health and behaviour-wise. With a harness you don’t need to worry about this!

It is important to note that not all harnesses are made equal. Look for what’s called a Y-shaped harness (hint: the dog pictured above is wearing one!). The harness should be fitted to your dog, with just enough space to slip two fingers under the strap on either side. Ensure as well that the harness does not cross over your dog’s shoulder joints, as this can impede their range of motion. If you’ve got a leash puller, a front-clipping harness will be your best friend!


Tip 2: Long Leash

Does your pup get enough time to run, sniff, and play? Especially in the city, it can be hard to safely give your dog outlets for these natural behaviours… unless you have a long line!

Below are three excellent uses for long lines or longer leashes:

  1. More freedom on daily walks! A 10-15 foot leash gives your pup some extra wiggle-room, meaning they can sniff that shrub without you needing to stop and wait for them. Using a longer leash on daily walks can significantly decrease leash-pulling.

  2. Free Time Outdoors! Using a long line opens a world of possibilities for your outdoor adventures. Now you can let your dog run and play in a field, plaza, or park without worrying about them bolting! 25-50 foot lines are perfect for giving your pup some much-needed free time to ‘be a dog’ outdoors.

  3. Training! Whether working on your recall or building your own confidence before letting your pup off at the dog park, a long line is an invaluable training tool. Think of it as a safety net that you can continue to use until you feel confident your dog will respond to your cues.


Thought of the month

Training? Bring a Pouch!

While not directly connected to walking, a treat pouch can make a world of difference while out with your dog. Training drills in the home or during a puppy class are helpful, but at the end of the day you get what you reinforce. Popping your dog a treat when they do something you like while out (or ‘Capturing’ good behaviour) may be the most effective way to improve their walking manners. A treat pouch will allow for quick delivery of tasty rewards (even if it makes you look like a dog nerd 😉).

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