the raintown countdown

Your monthly dose of puppy positivity in a bite-sized 5-minute read.




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Dog Play: Developing Keen Tuggers
Dog Training Kris Hampton Dog Training Kris Hampton

Dog Play: Developing Keen Tuggers

At Raintown, we love a good game of tug-of-war with our dogs! Whilst there is no evidence that playing tug increases aggression in dogs, having some tug rules in place is a wise idea, especially if there are children around your pup. Read on for our tips to develop a safe and keen tugger!

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Preparing your Dog for Spooky Season & Puppy Socials
Puppy Socialization, Dog Training Guest User Puppy Socialization, Dog Training Guest User

Preparing your Dog for Spooky Season & Puppy Socials

Halloween is approaching - cue the fireworks, door knocking, and happy kiddos!

If your pup is sensitive to sounds or has never experienced fireworks before, here are a few tips to help you prepare:

1) Play fireworks, door knocking and children laughing sounds from YouTube or Spotify at a low volume and pair with high value treats. Slowly increase the volume only when your pup is comfortable at the current level….

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