the raintown countdown
Your monthly dose of puppy positivity in a bite-sized 5-minute read.
Cute Pics
Training Tips
Short Reflection
Dog Walking Gear Essentials
With spring around the corner, pups and humans alike are eagerly anticipating longer walks, hikes, and outings. What gear can you prepare to make sure this year’s outdoor adventures go smoothly? Read on to learn about two dog walking must-haves!

Puppy Biting: How To Stop It
Nipping and mouthing are natural behaviours (especially for teething pups!) that anyone who has raised a dog will sympathize with. Though it generally will decrease as the dog matures, there are a few ways to speed up that process!

Dog to Dog Body Language
What is your dog ‘saying’ to another dog when they interact? Is it a friendly greeting, some rough play, or a straight-up dog fight? Read professional dog trainer Kris Hampton’s tips on how to read dog-to-dog body language and gain confidence on your next trip to the dog park.
Preparing your Pup for the Holidays
The family pet can be a source of fun and laughter during the holiday season… and other times a source of stress. Follow the steps in this article to ensure your pup is set up to succeed during your festive events this month.

Avoid Young Puppy Socialization: Necessity or Myth?
Welcoming a new puppy into your home is exciting, but one of the biggest questions new pet parents face is: when and how should I start socializing my dog? Before they’ve had all of their vaccinations, or after?
Reactive Dog Training In Vancouver
In the dog world, we hear the term ‘reactive dog’ thrown around regularly, but what does this term actually mean?